Lakeside 3R : Free Template J3

Lakeside 3R is a template Lakeside responsive, so that it adapts to the size of the mobile device. On the demo site, you can also see on a desktop computer when you decrease the size of your browser. But it is worth to hide some modules on laptops, because the order of the content of the site corresponds to the order of that in the source code. To do this, you can use CSS classes for modules in the "module class suffix".

template joomla 3.5

Template Features :

  • joomla 3, 3.1, 3.2 template
  • based on the Bootstrap framework
  • cross-browser compatible
  • responsive template (also fits to mobile devices)
  • 12-column grid system
  • portal layout
  • social icons
  • grey color scheme
  • 7 module positions
  • module position for a 3rd party slideshow module
  • several customizable features.

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